Thursday, July 3, 2014

Just a Note:

Hi Grout Students and Families,

I hope your Summer is as wonderful as mine! I miss school, and sometimes I dream about being there. I miss all of you.  I hope you are getting a chance to do lots of reading!

I wanted to let you know that I am making changes to the PortaPortal. I don't know if you will notice. Mostly, I am moving boxes around and organizing. I want to make it easier to use.

I have been enjoying lots of time to read outside in the garden. I've also been taking my two cats out there to explore my tiny backyard. I have been teaching them not to leave the yard, and that isn't easy.
Here is a picture of Sylvia:

She can be a little shy sometimes.  Here is a picture of Lucy when she thinks she sees something exciting:

Remember that if you want to contact me, do so through the blog. I get the messages in my email. Do you have ideas for the blog? Did you find an interesting and educational activity or game to add to the PortaPortal? I would like to hear from you.

See you later!

Ms. Wolfsong

P.S. Don't forget to practice reading, math, and writing. 



  1. Don't take away the good games!

  2. I hope you leave all the good games in the portaportal!
